It's really a rare opportunity to have a chance meeting with those 'big' scientists, especially those who work in the field of astrophysics. And, yesterday I got one. Thanks to Kitling!
It was really uncertain for me whether to come when the first time Kitling told me about this thing, 'cause I don't know the professors, don't know what I came to, but for the reason I said at the head of this blog, I choose to come anyway. I just want know how maybe I will become one day, if I'm lucky enough...
Due to the morning peak of the traffic, I almost got late. It was at that time Kitling told me something about this Helmut: he was ones, the teacher of Carl Sagan! And another professor, John, is a student of Kuiper. The 'Kuiper belt', Kuiper! And the third professor, Michael is come from New Zealand.
After four of us arrived at their hotel, Helmut gives us a little speech about his recent paper 'The Origin of the Exopleants'(you can find it in ADS). He use the data about the exopleants which being discovered so far and calculate the eccentricities which distinctly different from the planets in our solar system. So he conclude that most of the exopleants we found out so far are all formed form the similar process like a star. But it's failed to gain enough amount of mass to begin the thermal nuclear reaction, and ends up like our Jupiter. It wonders in the universe until someday trapped by a nearby star and forms a planetary system. That's pretty much what's happened.
All the three professors are very characteristic. Helmut is just like an experienced teacher and he can simplify the things to the most, which are easy for us to absorb. John is erudite and has a good sense of comprehension. He always the first one who understands our question and gives the answers even those are not related to his area. And Michael is a typical physicist, he learns quickly, do not talk so much, his words are quick and short and direct to the point. Three different types, lots of fun! 😀
After that we also talked about some ideas, some new discover and they planned to go to the EXPO site afternoon. Helmut is very vigorous for his age!
And, we took a photo together.

Hello!!!! nice website and blog!!
but i havent heard of any of those big
well, maybe they are just not big enough, and I, too, not heard their names before~^^~and welcome to my website!~